Inspire, Connect, Discover.
Hello All. My name is Simon Gisore I am 39 years old, and this is an interesting story and it's the story of my life!
I was born with a disability, a spinal deformity known as spina bifida, that was corrected but left me with deformed feet, permanent weakness on the legs, especially the left and weak bowel movement. For the most part of my life, I did a good job in hiding it because I wanted to fit into society. In addition, I experienced the struggles and difficulties of family hardships and being brought up by a single Mother. After a number of years of denial and abuse, I finally learned to accept and love myself and have overcome major obstacles in my life now and feel comfortable in society. As a result of these experiences I developed this project known as "The ICON project", which is aimed at reaching our women and children of all races, tribes and religions, who face similar issues that are equally dynamic through mentorship, coaching and motivational talks. The goal is to assist in building self-esteem, enthusiasm, support and spiritual growth. The emphasis is on hope and inspiration with the ability to cope regarding each obstacle that comes up along the way.
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